The Rancho Santa Fe Association (RSFA) Board of Directors and the Osuna Ranch Committee held a public planning meeting Aug. 13 that drew an unusually large crowd of residents, all eager to voice their opinions on the future of the historic Osuna Ranch. The more-than-50 Association members in attendance created a lively atmosphere filled with passionate discussion. Of the dozen members who spoke during member input, all were fervently opposed to selling the property, and instead supported the Osuna Committee’s and several of the Board Directors’ recommendation to retain the property and expand its usage to include amenities that were identified during the 2022 Member Survey.
Osuna Ranch, purchased in 2006 with designated funds from member assessments, is a 25-acre open space containing a horse training facility but most notably the Osuna Adobe — one of the oldest adobes in San Diego County. The Osuna Adobe is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places and is intricately tied to the history of Rancho Santa Fe, adding another layer of significance to the property. Many residents at the meeting emphasized the importance of protecting this designated open space, arguing that selling Osuna Ranch (or any part of it) would go against the original intent behind its purchase. One resident noted that the open space was purchased using designated member assessment monies and should not be sold — that the intention was to protect the open spaces indefinitely. Another said that the Osuna Adobe is intricately tied to the history of Rancho Santa Fe and should be preserved along with the surrounding landscape.

Osuna Is Profitable
In addition to its historical value, Osuna currently operates as an equestrian facility, providing a rural environment for horse boarding and training. The Osuna Ranch is well run and unlike other Association amenities or other local horse training facilities, it is profitable and provides a financial return to the Association.
Building upon Osuna’s success as an equestrian facility, there was a consensus among the members, committee members and the Board of Directors that enhancements to the property would benefit the broader Rancho Santa Fe community. A portfolio of ideas were taken from a 2022 professionally administered survey where RSFA members identified a number of desired amenities, most of which could be accommodated on the Osuna Ranch property. Ideas such as building an events barn for weddings and dinners, a dog park, and a children’s playground were all listed as high priorities. In fact, to explore the expansion idea, a previous RSFA Board called for the creation of a Master Plan which was drafted by local architect Max Wuthrich of B+W Architects. One Association member challenged the Board to continue to advance the Osuna Ranch Master Plan, expanding the use of the property and increasing the Ranch’s value to the community by saying the Osuna Ranch Master Plan should be championed by the RSFA Board along with designated funds to build out the property. This would serve the whole Covenant community.

Historic and Rural Preservation A Priority
While not verbalized during the largely amicable meeting, there was an undercurrent of contention regarding both past funding and the allocation of new funds for capital improvements of Osuna. Some questioned that with the Golf Club Restaurant’s $1.6 million annual “operating loss” coupled with a purported $10 million restaurant renovation currently underway (which members ranked fifth in importance behind village revitalization, rural/historic preservation, traffic, and safety) why weren’t funds being allocated to preserve and expand Osuna?
At the close of the meeting, Association staff were directed to work with the Osuna Committee to advance Osuna’s Master Plan to preserve the property’s historical significance while also reimagining its use to make it more accessible to the broader community. The outcome of these on-going discussions, plans and ultimately the Board of Directors’ decisions, will determine the future (and funding) of Osuna Ranch, its historical integrity, and the communal value of this beloved property.
Eddie Hillard is a Covenant resident and member of the Osuna Ranch Committee.