Good things have come from my hopeless caffeine addiction. One of them was meeting a coffee klatsch of Covenant natives who’ve become old friends to reminisce about the charm of our bygone village life, and the other was encountering more than a decade ago at Positano my now close Ranch confidant and cosmetic entrepreneur Katherine “Annie” Finch. Nary a day was missed picking up a cuppa and crossing paths before her work run and my school run to Happy Time, then Rowe. Tomorrow morning she’s inviting neighbors to do the same and stop by for a java on the Inn at its new cafe for her “Coffee & Kindness” catch up.
Annie has used her Katherine Girl makeup co’s platform to elevate the profile of an inspiring nonprofit based up the road in Irvine, California, called Visions Global Empowerment. Tomorrow she will be joined by its founder, Greg Buie, to share how this cause is improving the lives of children in need across the world by providing access to improved educational and personal development opportunities. For example, just thirty dollars a month can sponsor a deaf child’s studies and meals in Awassa, Ethiopia.
Annie’s always been about making the world more beautiful, but far beyond skin deep. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure she’d hawk one of her iconic highlighter sets if inquired, but this event is about highlighting something a bit bigger — making the world a better place, one coffee at a time.
Coffee & Kindness, kindly hosted by the Inn at The Cafe, Thursday, April 18, 9-11 AM