On August 12, we will welcome our students back to R. Roger Rowe for what will be a fantastic year! In addition to our amazing students, we are proud to announce two new administrators, Superintendent Kim Pinkerton, and Middle School Principal Lindsey Conley. Both were educators at Rowe for many years, and we could not be more excited than to have them returning.
Our school board has been hard at work, deliberating about what our district needs to move forward. We are committed to providing an excellent education while maintaining traditions and outstanding experiences for our students.
Currently, the Board is looking to fill the vacancy created when Major General John Tree (ret.) resigned his board seat. It will be of great assistance to have an additional colleague on board to contribute their expertise and energy to the issues at hand. If you think that you may be the right person for this position, please check out Rowe’s website for more information.
In November the Rancho Santa Fe community will elect three new Rancho Santa Fe School Board members for a four-year term. Please consider running for one of these open seats to serve our kids by helping to shape their education and serve our local community by proactively getting involved. It is a commitment of time and energy, but well worth it to see first-hand how our students grow and thrive with new opportunities.
We will begin this new school year with sharpened pencils, fresh notebooks, and hope! Our desire at Rowe is to not only foster our students’ big dreams, but help them to keep those aspirations alive and propel them forward.
Having had the privilege of serving as president of the Board, I believe we are poised for greatness. While cliched but true: It really is not about the destination, but the journey. Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year, Eagles!
Annette Ross is president of the Rancho Santa Fe School Board and Covenant resident.