Priorities and Controversies: RSFA Board Annual Strategy Planning Meeting

The Lilian Rice statue in the Village pays homage to the master architect credited for designing the Rancho Santa Fe master planned community including homes and buildings in the Covenant.

The RSFA Board of Directors met Aug. 22 for the Annual Strategy Planning Meeting to chart the course for the next year and beyond. The Board delved into its proposed strategic priorities for the fiscal year 2024-25, which touched on several topics — some that have sparked debate among Association members. The meeting was held at the Rancho Valencia Resort and Spa and was open to all members.

Safety and Security: Collaboration and Contention

As indicated in the 2022 Membership Survey, safety and security are among the top priorities for Association members. The Board aims to collaborate further with external agencies to improve road safety, and emergency/fire preparedness. This includes advocating for speed reductions and continuing engagement on the development of roundabouts and road repairs. While these measures are generally welcomed, the introduction of License Plate Readers (LPRs) has been a contentious issue, with some members concerned about privacy implications. The Board must carefully navigate these responsibilities to ensure that safety measures are both effective and respectful of personal freedoms.

Operational Efficiency: Embracing Technology

The push for operational efficiency through the implementation of new technologies is a significant step forward for the Association. The phased rollout of Accela, a building planning and code enforcement software system designed to streamline the Building Department’s processes, is scheduled from now through February 2025. Accela will have online payment features and will help improve communications with members. 

Additionally, the Board will begin the due diligence process for replacing the current financial system.

Governance and Regulations: Navigating Legal and Ethical Challenges

The Board will begin updating the Covenant’s governing documents to align with state and federal laws. The proposed revisions to the Protective Covenant, Articles of Incorporation, and Bylaws address several issues that do not conform to current Civil Codes such as prohibiting the display of posters, signs and banners and suspending members’ voting rights. Also, the RSFA bylaws once required a minimum of 100 residents submit in writing in order to request an Association special meeting. Now, the Civil Code only requires 5% of the membership – which is less than 100 – to request a special meeting. 

Pickleball, Landscape Removal, and Short-term Rentals

The Board will be considering revising existing regulations, and implementing new ones to stay current with Board director and/or member concerns in the Ranch:

  • Three years ago, the Board directed an ad-hoc committee to revise and reprint the illustrated Residential Design Guidelines book. This is still in review with an unconfirmed date of completion. 
  • Regulations for Tennis Courts and Recreation Areas will be updated to add requirements related to Pickleball courts. 
  • The staff will be drafting regulations to address the removal and replacement of critical view landscape screening on residential properties due to the recent trend of new owners moving into the Ranch and removing established landscaping and heritage eucalyptus. 
  • A short-term rental regulation will be discussed and drafted.

Community Enhancement: Adding Value for All

The Board’s commitment to enhancing the community is clear, but not without its critics. The Ranch Clubhouse Restaurant renovation is moving ahead with a recently approved $216,000 for construction project management. So far, the Association has spent more than $1 million for design fees and management costs in the estimated $10 million renovation project. 

The Board moving forward with the restaurant renovation has raised concerns about the long-range financial impact for Association members – especially since allocating so much money to one member amenity could leave other amenities in the Covenant struggling to improve their “member experience.” Some have questioned whether a majority of Association members are in favor of spending such a large portion of the Association budget on the clubhouse restaurant, and have suggested the Board call for an advisory vote as promised by previous Boards of Directors. The need to balance the desires of one segment of the community with the desires of the rest of the community could certainly be a topic for increased scrutiny.

Long Range Planning: The Glaring Omission

Long-range planning is another critical area of focus. The 2022 member survey showed residents would welcome additional amenities such as an events space, dog park, and community playground. The Board aims to identify and proceed with a discussion on ways to increase the use of Osuna Ranch by adding these amenities in addition to the horse keeping and training facilities. 

One glaring omission was the Board addressing the yearly losses at the Golf Club-managed restaurant — most recently $1.6 million — in which a portion of this deficit was shared with the entire membership. Conventional wisdom would say a financial audit is in order to determine where such a significant amount of money was going every year. But Board directors (other than former Director Lorraine Kent) have yet to call for one.

The Annual Board of Directors’ Strategy Planning Meeting is an important discussion that sets the future of the Rancho Santa Fe community. With priorities that touch on operations, community amenities and governance, the decisions made by this Board will undoubtedly shape the community for years to come. The members are counting on their elected directors to set a course that continues to preserve the Ranch’s way of life while meeting today’s challenges — all while serving the membership at large.

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