I disagree with lowering the speed limits in RSF. They are already low enough; lowering them even further will just cause anger/frustration/road rage. As an example, El Camino Del Norte was lowered to 35mph as that road is within Encinitas city limits. I travel it often and the cars that travel at only 35 mph (and sometimes lower) cause traffic to back up behind them. This has led to several occurrences where an impatient driver crossed over the solid double-yellow lines and passed the long line of cars. We do not want this to happen in RSF.
My opinion is that a speed limit of 45 mph is appropriate; however, it’s already been lowered to 40 mph. Now some are calling for the speed limits to be lowered further to 35 mph. 35 mph is too low for the long distances we must travel to leave RSF. I know the knee-jerk response to this post will be “lower speeds are safer”, “think of the kids/horses/elderly”, etc… But the reality is modern cars are extremely safe, and our roads are long with infrequent intersections. A 40+ mph speed limit is appropriate.
And have you seen what happens at the stop signs on Paseo Delicias when the “Your speed is” radar wagons are placed there? Traffic backups of 50+ cars are not uncommon at the stop signs. That is quite aggravating to have to deal with everyday and every time you leave your house. We don’t need or want permanent radar setups in RSF. Keep RSF country. – Axxlrod