EDCO v. Waste Management (How They Compare)

Cost Comparison

Now that EDCO finally offers pickup of individual 96 gallon bins in 92067 (they used to only service large dumpsters), it’s time to compare EDCO to Waste Management, especially since WM just raised their rates from $136.30 (every two months) to $154.06. By comparison, EDCO’s quoted rate is $133.90.

EDCO offers comparable pickup service (1 trash plus up to 3 recyclable and 3 green waste 96 gallon bins). The EDCO shift supervisor phone number for Rancho Santa Fe to see if they service your address is: 760-744-2700. Waste Management’s phone number is 760-929-9400.

The downside to EDCO compared to WM is that EDCO will only pick up bins at the curb. For an extra fee that is included in the $154.06, WM will drive their truck from the road, down your driveway to your house, and pick up there. That means if you don’t want to wheel or cart heavy bins to the road at the end of your driveway, especially if you have a long or steep driveway, WM trash service may be your better option. However, if you’re looking for the less expensive service, and don’t mind taking your bins to and from the road, EDCO will save you $120.96 a year.

Is WM or EDCO better for the environment?

Both EDCO and WM are making progress environmentally. EDCO is “on the road to zero waste” as is Waste Management. You can click these links to each of their websites for their own statements of what they are doing to run cleaner businesses for the environment.

Both companies will have to comply with California’s recent mandate for the electrification of all vehicles. 10% of garbage trucks must be electric by 2024; by 2039, the entire fleet of garbage trucks must be zero emission.

Landfills are another area of environmental impact and both WM and EDCO say they are making strides there as well.