SFID and RSFA Settle 2016 Rates Litigation

By Phil Trubey June 25, 2021 Editor’s Note: Below is today’s press release announcing the water rates…

RSF Infrastructure Committee Update

The process often starts with a planning stage in which plans are prepared by an architect…

SFID Water News for March 2021

By Frank Creede March 14, 2021 Frank Creede is SFID’s Division 1 director representing Solana Beach…

Water News: A Final Look Back

By Marlene King January 23, 2021 The RSF Post began publishing my articles in September 2015 and this is…

Water News…”A Final Look Back”…by Marlene King

RSF Post began publishing my articles in September 2015 and this is my 54th article.  Having…

Water News…from the desk of Marlene E. King, SFID Dir., Div. 3

Water News…from the desk of Marlene E. King, SFID Dir., Div. 3 SFID June 18th Board…

Water News…from the desk of Marlene King, SFID Director, Div. 3

Water News…from the desk of Marlene King, SFID Director, Div. 3 Board Vacancy Remains for Div.…

Water News…from the desk of Marlene King, SFID Director, Div. 3

SFID’s Water Leak Credit program…planting Appropriate Trees…the ”D” word…and State DWR Outdoor Irrigation Usage Targets Water…

Water News…from the desk ofMarlene King,SFID Dir., Div. 3

SFID Proposed Rate Increases:  Thursday, January 16th at 8:30 am, is the rate increase Public Hearing. …