Dom and Susan Try and Distance Themselves from Their Own PIC Backers

By Bill Strong

May 22, 2014

Dom Addario and Susan Callahan, after seeking and receiving the endorsement from PIC, now seem to be distancing themselves from the group. Does this mean they now repudiate the Osuna deal that Dom’s wife seconded the motion to purchase? What about the $2.7 Million Garden Club purchase that PIC tried to orchestrate, with the support of PIC followers including Dom and Susan? What about the $300,000 pay package for the former Manager Pete Smith that they argued should be kept secret? You know, the Manager that worked 4 days a week, ran a $400,000 per year deficit, and then told lies about Ann and Kim to set himself up for a forced retirement? Now that Dom and Susan repudiate their own backers, are they prepared to give Ann and Kim the credit they deserve for standing up for the truth? Are they prepared to repudiate PIC as well? Are they going to start asking reasonable questions? Will they start enduring the wrath of PIC? Fact is, only Susan and Dom attended PIC breakfast and they were the only two who had a chance to receive the PIC controlled Association endorsement. They want to have it both ways. They were hand-picked by PIC. Who is kidding who? Both Susan and the Adarrio’s support all of the PIC plans to spend your money … with no questions asked.

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