By Phil Trubey
October 10, 2021
Following are letters we received prior to the October 2021 RSFA board meeting. If you’d like to have your member input printed in the RSF Post, please forward such letters to If you to just send us your thoughts, but not have your letter published, just tell us not to publish.
National Historical Designation
Holly Manion has a great Idea. We strongly support obtaining a designation with the NRHP for the reasons listed in her RSF Post article.
Barbara and Kenneth Holland
Hardie Board
We have been reading the back and forth regarding the banning of Hardie Board and strongly support the repeal of the Hardie Board ban.
Regarding National Historic Designation we would favor obtaining it!
Scott & Kaylin Union
Dear Board,
Please repeal the Hardie Board ban. This makes NO SENSE with our fire risk in RSF. Just because Rick Sapp is against this does not mean that the Board should NOT LISTEN to the people of RSF.
Reminder: The Board is supposed to represent the people of RSF and, unless there is a VERY good reason not to, support the will of the residents.
Repeal the Hardie Board ban. It makes no sense.
Steven Ganzberg