The RSF Post recently received an email from a resident pointing out the irony of an old eyesore in the village with accompanying pictorial evidence:
“Setting all the recent vitriol aside, we are all constantly focused on how beautiful and historic our town is. We debate forever whether we should devastate that beauty with a cellular tower (which I personally think is nonsense). But we let this [see above image] exist for years right in the heart of our town, visible to anyone who walks one of our three or four streets…This looks like a Third World country, if I am still allowed to say that.”
This is the Post, so we resoundingly reaffirm “Heck to the Yes” he’s allowed to speak his mind, and so are you! If you would like to discuss this issue in the Forum, head on over and have your say.
If our pot hole and home insurance coverage is any indication, that squeaky wheel adage holds some weight here. And if you’re not up for signing in to the Forum or submitting an article or email to us, voice your Assessment-worthy concerns to the Association via phone or an on-the-record, easily-tracked Member-input email to the following address: memberinput@rsfassociation.org.