Doesn’t smell like Rowe-ses

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    • #5940

      What’s equally disconcerting is that we’ve not heard a peep from our local Republican party.  They endorsed this guy and pushed for his election, yet they are silent.  No clamoring for him to resign nor an apology to the community.

    • #5929

      GinAndTonic I completely agree with you on all 3!

    • #5927


      The answer to your third question is: resoundingly and unequivocally, yes.  It seems nearly impossible to attract quality candidates to run for public office, particularly the RSF school board.  I do not blame them– this is a thankless volunteer job.  It’s an extremely important job, but I absolutely understand why so few quality candidates are willing to run.

    • #5926

      I’m all for “Focusing on the children,” but doesn’t that start with taking some immediate actions?

      1.  Why isn’t the community demanding a recall of Seitz?  If we want to make a definitive statement and set a proper example for our children, we should show some spine and kick him out.  Our collective inaction simply enables this type of behavior and allows him to continue to govern our school district through 2o26.  That’s significant damage.  Imagine if he tries to stack the board with his buddies which leads me to action #2.

      2.  We should be scrutinizing every candidate that runs for the School Board.  I suspect that some may have skeletons or, like Paul, axes to grind with the school.  I personally wouldn’t vote for an individual, backed by Paul.

      3.  Is it too difficult to get competent individuals to be on the Board?  We all know of folks in the Ranch who have inflated opinions of themselves and profess to be exceptional business managers.  But, none of us would even trust them to feed our fish when we were out of town.  Why are we settling on half-wits and mediocrity?  I recognize that many working professionals in the community don’t have the bandwidth to serve on the School Board, and I posit that those who may be available have been deterred given the past climate of mudslinging.  As a community, its time for us to shape up and promote better candidates for the Board.  I don’t care if you’re a Republican, Democrat, or Independent.  If you have demonstrable experience (and minimally sane with good temperament), I encourage you to run.

      • #6199

        Paul has been telling every one to vote for Karen Eschrich and Victoria Gamble so he can run the board.  That is enough for me to be steered away from them.

    • #5915

      RoweParent you nailed it! Can we make Rowe about the children again? Can we move on from the school board which has become an absolute circus and predictable. We know what comes next, someone will anonymously leak something about one of the upcoming candidates/incumbents in hopes of ruining their campaign, signs are already up so it’s almost showtime. It’s become boring and tiresome. It’s expected, it’s childish and it’s stupid. The problem is this clown show takes away from and diminishes the good that is currently happening at Rowe. For the first time in a long time we have a leader. A qualified leader at that. Our children are learning, they are happy and they are thriving. Thank you Mrs. Pinkerton for coming back and doing the job that we so needed you to do. If the current board wants to go back and forth and behave like children so be it! I choose to focus on the children filling the seats of the school who deserve the best opportunity provided by the best administration and staff.

      • #6198

        We know what comes next, someone will anonymously leak something about one of the upcoming candidates/incumbents in hopes of ruining their campaign, signs are already up so it’s almost showtime. It’s become boring and tiresome. It’s expected, it’s childish and it’s stupid.

        RSFHome, you called it.  The latest Review article is about a lawsuit that candidate Eschrich filed right as she decided to run for office.  It’s not so anonymous though.  How would that get “leaked” unless the candidate herself sent it to the reporter?  Seitz has been overly eager in telling a lot of us  about the lawsuit too.  Don’t they think we get together and compare notes?

    • #5912

      Regarding the latest article on the school board drama and chaos:

      This whole situation is supremely embarrassing.  Just when I think things can’t sink any lower, they do.  It’s an unmitigated shit show over there, that is certain.  I know all school boards (and government in general) operate with some level of dysfunction, but Rowe is in a class all alone.

      I strongly disagree with how all parties have handled this.  Without question, violence is an inappropriate means of conflict resolution.  This should have been met with legal action rather than the engagement of the community.   Utilize legal avenues instead of the parent gossip machine and media reporters.  This is newsworthy now, because ALL parties insist on making it so.  This is a terrible example to set for our children.

    • #5264

      Well said, this was terrible form by Ms. Ross, and the Post collectively. Another classic example of a board attempting to “shape the public narrative” rather than providing necessary answers to those they were elected to serve. I look forward to a thorough explanation by the Rowe board to explain the rationale behind this poor choice. Rowe will now be lucky to receive an applicant with even half of the qualifications and expertise Dr. Bennett provided to this district. Perhaps in the future it would be wise for the board to focus more on properly serving those in your district, and less on poorly attempted political maneuvers, and empty “leadership” talking points. The district deserves answers.

    • #5263

      Regardless of whether or not Rowe’s School Board President was “Right” in accepting Dr. Bennett’s resignation, her authorization of an exclusive interview with the Post before notifying the parents and students is completely shameful and extremely bad form.  Some may argue that at least a notification email was sent to parents, but it was clearly circulated after the RSF Post’s email about their exclusive interview (sent at 12:19p) with Ms. Ross.  Shouldn’t the affected stakeholders first have an opportunity to speak with Ms. Ross a special board session to understand the rationale?  This action reeks of self-serving hubris, and all of her answers in the Post piece on leadership are completely hollow.  Why should anyone of substance apply or even accept the Rowe Superintendent job?

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