By Lisa Bartlett May 19, 2019 When you vote for RSFA Board Members in the upcoming election, ask…
Please Vote YES on the Ballot’s Bylaw Amendment!
RSF Post May 15, 2019 Dear RSF Post readers who are Covenant Members and who have…
How to use our Riding Trails
Table tennis, also referred to as ping pong, is a sport in which two or four…
Water News…from the desk of Marlene King, S.F.I.D. Div. 3
March 21, 2019 SFID Cost of Service Study Workshop: Board consensus was to continue to engage…
Water News…from the desk of Marlene King S.F.I.D. Director, Div. 3
Former Gov. Brown, Div. of Safety of Dams (DSOD), Lake Hodges, and YOU This column discusses…
Crises, Cuts and Comebacks
By Rachel Laffer March 27, 2019 Short-term shocks don’t inevitably equate to permanent loss or failure. Just…
Rowe Staff Cuts: Success Comes At A Price
By Lorraine Kent March 14, 2019 Success comes at a price. The RSF school board was elected…
Water News…fromthe desk of Marlene King, SFID Director,Div. 3
Why ARE your water bills so high? As you may recall, the proposed Cost of Service…
More Information About the Assessment Lawsuit
by Philip Trubey NOV 1, 2018 Regarding the assessment lawsuit filed against the RSFA, the Association collects about $6M…