By Phil Trubey
July 2, 2022

At the short June 29 special Board meeting, three items were discussed.
Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday…
Due to staffing shortages, the clubhouse restaurant has had to close on Tuesdays going forward until the shortages can be rectified.
In the meeting, director Greg Gruzdowich asked golf club manager Todd Huizinga if there would be any cost savings associated with this. Huizinga replied that we could save about $2,500 for each Tuesday we remain closed.
Tuesday is the restaurant’s lightest attended day, followed by Sunday evenings and Thursday as the next days/time where there aren’t many customers. Friday and Saturdays are the most popular days.
I suspect Gruzdowich will continue asking about possible cost savings measures in future Board meetings. The restaurant deficit has been increasing every year and is projected to be an eye popping $1.6M for the 22/23 fiscal year (50% borne by golf club member dues and 50% by Association dues).
Art Jury
Due to an Art Juror resignation, an Art Juror was appointed to fill the remaining six months of the term. Board President Bill Weber chose Kelli Hilliard from a list of four candidates that also included Janet McVeigh, Joseph Mahon and Sharon McDonald.
In summary, insurance is expensive. Just be glad you don’t have to pay attention to the Association’s policies, unless you need an insomnia cure.