May 20, 2022
The ballots for the election of our Association Board of Directors have been mailed and are now in your hands. I ask that each of you take the time to research your vote and to cast your ballot.
Why is this so important?
Your Association Board is charged with the proper stewardship of the Association’s business, and the most effective use of the nearly $25 million in annual revenue. An engaged and effective Board can initiate and complete important projects that benefit all segments of our community.
Historically, only 35% of the community votes, with many of the votes coming from a single demographic. It is vital that all sectors of our community vote, so that everyone is fairly represented. I understand that it is a busy time for many with kids getting out of school, graduations, finals, moving college kids home and gearing up for summer schedules and vacations. However, since everyone has three more weeks to return their ballot, there is time to research and cast your vote. We can do better than 35% this year.
What qualities should you look for in a candidate?
This year, more than ever, the word collegial comes to mind. We must choose candidates that can be part of a strong team, working together as a cohesive unit to get things done. I can tell you all the things that I will get done for you, but if I do not have the respect, trust and support of my fellow Directors it is all for naught. When making your choices, think about a compatible team that will work for you.
The past few years have been marked by embarrassing Board meetings, with some Directors pursuing their own narrow issues, arguing endlessly with fellow Directors, resulting in very little of importance getting done. This dysfunction has also made it very difficult for our talented staff to do their jobs. Some have even left. This is unfortunate.
If you are new to the community and don’t know who to vote for, ask other community members, your school friends, your fellow club members and members of our committees and club Boards. Examine the past behavior of the candidates- who works well with others and who does not. The Candidate’s Forum was streamed so you can still watch it, and flyers and brochures have been mailed and posted on this site. You can also reach out to any candidate for questions.
Remember – voting is important – it is your way of assuring the competence and effectiveness of your Association Board.
Courtney LeBeau is running as a candidate in this year’s RSFA Board election.

- Association
- Elections