Election Interference; Welcome to the ASYLUM

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    • #5150

      rsfposter, let me explain something to you. The Plan of Operation is an internal document of the Golf Club. It is not a contract, The Inn is not a party to it and it confers no rights on The Inn. Again, The Inn has not been allowed to make tee times since prior to the golf course renovation. Yes, it was an oversight that the Plan of Operation wasn’t amended earlier (it’s now in process). For this grave and earth shattering oversight you can blame our staff, prior boards or you can blame me. Every post you make (all posted anonymously you brave soul) is an attack on the Golf Club so we’re not going to lose sleep over yet another gripe from you.

      • #5189

        Rabble rousers…

        Take a look at Palos Verdes Golf Club

        A cousin to RSF in style and ownership structure (smaller lots and shifty land though but great ocean views)

        Their golf members pay initiation fees that have grown like RSFs

        Yet residents get time restricted afternoon play for a fee

        The restaurant supported a nice renovation and draws more revenue despite similar prices as RSF

        Members don’t have hurt feelings and they keep a healthy 600 member base because full golf access is a real value prop

        It’s one way. It’s not the only way. And that’s the point. There are many avenues to a growing community asset that’s financially viable.

        I have faith the entrepreneur heavy RSFA board will find a way in the years to come.

    • #5149

      Buddy – the current governing documents of the golf club, of which you are President, are the source of ‘false’ information.

      The current Plan of Operation labeled ‘PLANOFOPERATIONMAY12024’ states


      Bonafide registered guests of The Inn, subject to the Membership Rules, will be allowed guest playing privileges upon payment of the applicable daily sponsored green fees. Guests will utilize the service of a mandatory fore caddie to eliminate slow play.”

      The current Rules and Regulations contain multiple references to Inn guest play

      Section 6 d:

      d. Charges: i. All charges incurred by sponsored guests (unaccompanied by a member) will be billed to the sponsoring member. All charges incurred by a guest from The Inn will be billed to The Inn.

      Section 8 b i:

      b. Starting Times: i. Sponsored guests, not accompanied by a member, and guests of The Inn will be assigned starting times after 12:00 noon PST and 1:00 PDT. The Golf Professional staff may make exceptions to these times when appropriate.

      If these are an ‘error’ then how can that happen under competent leadership? The governing docs are not complex or lengthy.

      The ‘old’ fee schedule with the Inn rates was clearly labeled 2023/24.

      That ‘mistake’ stayed there for four years based on your claim, and through multiple revisions. If that’s not well tended, what else isn’t within the org and operations plan?


    • #5148

      rsfposter is dead wrong. The Inn has not been allowed to make ANY tee times for its guests since prior to 2020. There is no “agreement” between The Inn and the Golf Club. There is an old price sheet that listed green fees for guests of The Inn but no tee times have been allowed in many years. The new owners of The Inn are actually frustrated that we haven’t allowed them to make tee times for their guests. Stop spreading inaccurate information or you will continue getting trounced in elections.

    • #5147

      Where is Todd Neal’s admission that claiming on 5/17 that Heather Slosars noting RSF Inn guests getting tee times is “100% false” was in fact wrong.

      And that at the April RSF golf club board meeting the Presidents update agenda item specifically covered Inn at RSF guest play.

      In fact the operating plan of the golf club with a May 1 updated file name specifically mentions Inn at RSF guest play and a requirement they use caddies to avoid slow play.

      The Inn staff reports they were able to book times but were told about two weeks ago the golf club wont take tee times from the Inn this summer to prioritize members. But that it might resume this fall.

      Fact is there is an agreement between the Inn and golf club the president ignored while denigrating Slosar.

      And the fact that Inn guests were able to play without a member present would negate the “initiation fee” argument against allowing options for resident play.

      We have a nice restaurant (check out the new chefs dinner specials – they’re great) that is under utilized in the evening.

      And a golf course with only 29000 rounds a year that is underutilized in the afternoon. Compare to Torrey at 80000 rounds for a single course (yes that’s an extreme).

      But more resident non member 9 hole rounds late in the day could gin up good cash for maintenance and encourage better use of the dining room after rounds.

      It’s time for leadership that takes a holistic modern view of this community asset.


    • #5146

      Tippy Top, this is Todd Neal. You should be more precise and careful with your comments. First, the Association does not pay for Golf Club communications such as The Divot. Second, I didn’t write “nasty things” about Dick Clotfelter. I wrote that he said the Golf Club is not a private club and I pointed out that he is a resident of another state. Those are both accurate statements. I did not mention his age or business history. Third, I did not break any rules or laws by advocating for candidates Simpson and Atkins. Think about it; I’m the President of the Golf Club, any duty owed by me, fiduciary or otherwise, is owed to the members of the Golf Club who elected me. Fourth, no one told me to stop advocating for Simpson and Atkins nor would I have relented if they had. I was 100% within my rights to advocate for the Golf Club.

      Instead of continuing with wild conspiracy theories and woah is me martyrism, I recommend some humble self reflection. Perhaps it was a bad idea for Mr. Clotfelter to take such a radical position relative to the Golf Club. We have over 600 members who have collectively paid approximately $30 million in initiation fees and tens of millions in monthly dues. Can you not understand that it is offensive to our members to be told the Golf Club is not a private club after the investments we’ve made? Look beyond yourself and your own emotions and hot buttons. The election was a landslide. Mr. Clotfelter lost by more than 300 votes. That is unequivocally indicative of a failed strategy not unfair treatment.

      Todd Neal

    • #5145
      Jay Turner

      1. The Association PAID for Golf President Todd’s Neal’s rants in the Divot. Neal wrote nasty things about Dick Clotfelter, and told all his followers to vote for golf bros Simpson and Atkins breaking all kinds of laws and rules.

      2. Director Phil Trubey went on the attack, telling the community that voting for Clotfelter was a bad idea because he split his time between two states and therefore would be a bad director. This from a citizen of Canada. So no one in the Ranch has a residence outside CA for tax purposes? Hold my beer.

      3. After Trubey was warned he was breaking Board (and basic civility) rules, JW pens “Truth in the Ranch” to take over where Trubey and Neal left off – presumably after their colleagues told them they were putting the whole shootin’ match in jeopardy.

      4. The worst part is that the RSF Association is in on it. Each property owner is entitled to TWO ballots. The letter with the ballots warned residents that signatures would be verified, “Do not sign for someone else or the ballot will not be counted.” What the Association DIDN’T say, was if your spouse died, or isn’t listed on the property, you could have gotten TWO ballots in the one owner’s name. But think how many of the RSF  “Old timers” that would be? Probably enough to turn around this diseased town.

      5. Let’s talk about what happens when a candidate tells everyone to only vote for him and leave the other one blank. The vote count proves what an idiotic idea that was. It handed the election over to the very ones they were running against.

      Welcome to the ASYLUM where the inmates are in charge.

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